Aims of the course:
To provide those considering the role of Deputy Head with a comprehensive understanding of the skills required; a consideration of the differences between Deputy Headship in small and large schools and an appreciation of the varying aspects of the role itself.
You will hear the first hand experiences from two serving Deputies and a Partner at Anderson Quigley, Educational Leadership Recruitment.
What you will learn:
Mike Crossley is the recently retired Headmaster of Langley Preparatory School, and a member of ISA & IAPS. He is an MHFA Youth instructor and his school is the recipient of the Optimus Wellbeing Award. With over 20 years’ experience, as a Senior Manager (including 5 years as a Deputy) in three leading Prep Schools and fourteen years as a Head in a Prep School, Mike offers us his insight into supporting ‘The All-Encompassing Role of Deputy Headship in Large & Small Schools Including Looking After Yourself & Those Around You along with the first hand experiences of two serving Deputies and a lead recruitment consultant from Anderson Quigley, an ISA Gold Preferred Supplier.
Mike is also an experienced ISI School Inspector, management trainer and qualified as a Head through the government’s NPQH scheme through the NCSL. He is an ILM Level 7 Executive Coach and Mentor.