The information for 7 June 2024 can be found here.



Whilst the government have pledged to fund the training of mental health leads in state schools, the training, knowledge and awareness in the Independent sector is in real danger of lagging behind. This MHFA one day course successfully equips delegates with the skills, confidence and knowledge to approach a young person with mental and emotional health challenges, to listen far more effectively whilst giving support and information and importantly increasing the delegates' knowledge of available support and appropriate professional help.

Aims of the course:

To increase knowledge, understanding and personal confidence of how best to support young people with their mental health fitness.

Learning Objectives:

To provide the delegate's school with:

  • a potential mental health lead
  • an individual confident of applying the MHFA action plan, able to spot early signs of a mental health issue
  • an increased knowledge of available external supports and also includes a course handbook, workbook and certification as a Youth Mental Health First Aid Champion

Mike Crossley

Mike Crossley

Find out more

Information on our Covid Safety Policy can be found here.


Alternative dates for Mental Health First Aid courses: