25 Apr 2023

Biodiversity School of the Year! Hemdean House School earn national recognition

There was a real sense of pride when the children of Hemdean House School learned that they’d achieved Green Flag status from Eco-Schools in July 2022, but at the start of the year came delight that even they could not have excepted, the school were named the nation’s Biodiversity School of the Year.

Hemdean House School is a coeducational Primary school in the heart of Caversham, Reading.

Leaders of the Eco-Schools programme from Keep Britain Tidy recognised Hemdean House School for its work in building and maintaining a biodiverse landscape, something that staff and students alike have strived for with the rewilding and planting of trees, the creation of animal and bug homes, as well as the use of homegrown produce in cookery lessons.

Participation in the RSPB ‘Big Schools Bird Watch’ really progressed the school’s understanding of biodiversity, conservation and all-around sustainability as children monitored yearly changes in bird species. No stone was left unturned as students surveyed using camera traps, photographing the area before and after their work, which allowed them to realise the impact they’d made.

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Beyond this, the pupils have declared a separate area of woodland a “conservation area”. They have worked continuously to ensure the area is kept clear of rubbish and to create homes for nature. Already this has paved the way for the arrival of a woodpecker, pheasants and an array of wildflowers previously unseen.

Pupils’ ideas for the future include a sensory garden, converting a run-down area of the grounds into a quiet seating area, incorporating upcycled and recycled furniture, as well as creating homes for more animals.

Some of these plans are already starting to take shape with the planting of a small orchard of fruit trees and the continued development of wildflower areas.

The legacy being built by this generation is surely a positive one in many ways and in particular, their desire to ensure a well-cared for sustainable landscape for many years to come is heartening.

Helen Chalmers, Head Teacher, is ‘extremely proud’ of what the children have achieved:

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“In today’s world, giving children the information and motivation to tackle environmental issues is a significant skill. I have been extremely proud of what the children achieved and to see them grow and be confident to share impassioned views and positive messages about protecting our wild environments is inspiring. But equally they have learnt to share opinion and gained lifelong skills in teamwork and the importance of community.”

Helen Chalmers gave ISA a deeper insight into Hemdean House School’s ‘Sustainable Future’ with an article in Issue 27 of the ISA Journal, which carried the theme of Sustainability. You can read that on Page 12 here.

Biodiversity and whole-school sustainability is part of the culture at Hemdean House, and this honour from Eco-Schools and Keep Britain Tidy furthers celebrates the outdoor learning that pupils are afforded, which they carry through the rest of their lives. Not only are they an accredited Forest School, but they are also recognised with a Platinum Award from the Woodland Trust.

Hemdean House School continue to be a warm, welcoming and caring family environment for boys and girls, being a space for young people to grow in confidence and progress academically since 1859.