ISA is supported by a number of committees, comprised of Member Heads and Honorary Members.
Committees may co-opt additional expertise according to need.
Meeting dates are available to committee members via the Groups portal.
Click on the plus signs below to view the members of each committee. (ISA Secretariat attached to each committee are listed at the end.)
For contact details of an individual committee member, just click on their name. (You need to be logged in to the website.)
The Committee monitors current academic developments and formulates the Association’s response to Members, government and related organisations.

The Committee monitors the Association’s finances and investments, providing advice and recommendations to Executive Council, such as membership subscriptions and charges.
General Purposes
The Association’s Chairs of Committees and Honorary Officers formulate policy and responses for approval by the Executive Council.
The Committee oversees the Association’s work in developing and promoting the principles of inclusion within the Association and to support Members in developing and promoting the principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in their schools.
The Committee reviews inspection reports and schools’ responses, recommending continuing accreditation to the Membership Committee.
The Committee considers applications for membership from Heads, recommending accreditation for approval by Executive Council. The Committee is constituted from the seven area coordinators, nominated VP(s) plus the Chair of ISA Inspections Committee.
The Committee comprises the Area Art Coordinators who oversee the organisation of Area Art competitions, aiming to promote the high standard of artistic and creative achievement in independent schools and encourage participation among Area schools.
The Committee comprises the National Sports Officer and Coordinator, and the Area Sports Coordinators (who oversee the organisation of ISA Area sports events).